The Day Has Finally Come

Posted December 7th, 2010 by JS Cooper

The Day Has Finally Come

Well… the day has finally come. A project that I started in 2006 is now ready to be unveiled, 4 long years later. A few people have asked me what motivated me to sit down and write a science fiction novel. There are a multitude of reasons, some of which go back 20 years ago, to my days as an angry teenager. I couldn’t understand how and why the world we lived in was so dysfunctional. That manifested into my work as a vocalist over the past two decades, and now the “AKTIYA” series. How did it all get started, though, in 2006?

I’ll never forget that day… my friend Bradley insisted that I go see “V for Vendetta” with him. I knew nothing of this graphic novel or the movie, and wasn’t prepared for what I was about to see. My jaw was hanging open, 2 hours later, as the credits rolled. I was blown away. I’d seen more than a few movies and documentaries that were socially critical along the way, but nothing like that. I left the movie theater feeling seriously motivated. I had an idea that I’d been turning over for a couple of years and after jotting down a page of notes, I opened Microsoft Word and stared at the blinking cursor. Eight days later, I had the backbone of the story written out: a conversation between two undefined characters, that I would use to build the rest of novel. This eventually grew to around 90,000 words, and the outline for two additional installments.

In early 2010, as preparations were being made to officially publish “The Ignition Sequence,” I got together with Tomas Herrera of Primitive Productions and drew up a plan on how we could bring this story to light, with a video advertisement. We scouted locations, hired actors, and experimented with animation until we got something we were both happy with. All in all, for the budget we had, I couldn’t be happier with how the trailer turned out. Via this new website, I am now ready to unveil the first installment in the AKTIYA series and this supporting trailer. Thanks to everyone who read the countless re-edits and helped in any way.

I look forward to your feedback and comments…

December 2010

3 Responses to “The Day Has Finally Come”

Sarah MascioliDecember 10th, 2010 at 9:06 am

shane! the trailer is awesome! the site is designed with style and character leaving the viewer hungry for more. stoked to read the novel as the preview of the story has already captured me. much appreciation for all the talent and love you share with your friends. congrats on the completion of your book! wow*


Aktiya: The Ignition Sequence / A Novel By JS Cooper

book cover

Just when the nightmare raging in Julien Storm's clairvoyant mind is about to consume him, a session with a local hypnotist yields a clue that sets off a chain of events, leading to a mysterious clearing set deep in the Cascade Mountains. The source of the magnetic disturbances plaguing the boy's young mind has been waiting, for more than 10,000 years.

This is the story of two souls, two souls that are millions of light years apart, linked by a frequency that knows no boundaries. Some believe it to be a savior; others believe it to be a cataclysm. Together, these two clairvoyants must confront humanity's "tragic design flaws" as well as their own personal demons, if they are to learn the truth about the machine lying beneath the mysterious clearing...